#15: When Breastfeeding Goes Bad

Thus far, I’ve parented for 37 months and breastfed for 21 of those. Not bad, considering my less than impressive rack (debunked myth number one – small boobs can feed just as well as big hooters). I find expressing the work of the devil so it looks like it’s going to be Moo, me and my udders for the duration. So far with her, so good. In fact I had a pretty good run of it with Mouse too, save for a couple of instances of badly blocked ducts. And I mean SAVAGELY blocked ducts.  Continue reading “#15: When Breastfeeding Goes Bad”

#7: Twitter Special – #My5Faves

In Twitterland, I’ve risen to the #bloggingchallenge set by @themumzilla (well, tried to). I’m fickle so this list could change before bedtime, but for now here are My Five Favourite Things from around Mi Casa. #my5faves Continue reading “#7: Twitter Special – #My5Faves”